How it works...

This service is provided free to you. It’s an industry standard that real estate agents across the world give referral fees to other agents. For example, an agent in New York probably doesn’t know the first thing about real estate in Los Angeles. So, that agent respectfully sets their client up with an agent in Los Angeles. The agent in Los Angeles is happy to receive the business and gives a small referral fee to the agent in New York. This does not increase the commission charged to the seller or buyer. It simply reduces the amount the receiving agent gets. Once again, the agents are simply happy to receive the business. This is standard practice in the industry. That’s how we get compensated. We receive a small referral fee from the agent upon the sale or purchase of your home. So, it’s imperative for us to find you the best agent.

reach out to us today...

We don’t have favorite agents. Nor do we have side deals with agents. Every agent must perform at the top level and have the numbers to back themselves up. We simply use the data to help you find the agent that has had the best track record. The key here is getting the agent that has had the most listing in your area the last 6 months to a year. Generally they have a long list of potential buyers who have come through there previous open houses.

Kary Lindgren

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    11661 San Vicente Blvd., 10th Floor
    Los Angeles, California 90049

    CalBRE# 01922799